Check If Email Address Is Valid With 2 Clicks!

Check If Email Address Is Valid With 2 Clicks!

What is a valid email?

An email address identifies an email box to which email messages are sent. Previously a wide variety of formats were used in early email systems but today only a single format is used which consists of two main parts:

  • Email Prefix: appears on the left side of @ symbol
  • Email Domain: appears on the right side of @ symbol

Both prefix and domain are correct in a valid email address. A legitimate email address is deliverable and the user name is a real mailbox at the domain. You may have received errors telling that email address does not exist many times. For a person dealing every day with emails, inaccurate emails are really disgusting!

Usually email testers can only check the reality and existence of emails but its better to find an email tester which also checks the relatedness of emails to the intended companies and individuals.

Correct email prefix format

  • It contains letters, numbers, underscores, periods, and dashes.
  • An underscore, period, or dash must be followed by letters or numbers.
email tester, email checker, email validator

Correct email domain format

  • It contains letters, numbers, and dashes.
  • The last part of domain must be at least two characters like .com, .org
email tester, email checker, email validator

Email verification

Fake and incorrect email addresses are a serious problem many email marketers are struggling with every day! 100% valid email address list is the dream of many email marketers!

Many of the emails in the lists do not have a correct syntax format and valid domains. As an email marketer dealing with many long lists of emails, what strategies do you use to check if email address is valid? Is it possible to verify email address without sending email? How to understand which of the emails in your list have no valid email address format?

How to verify email address without sending email?

You can use automatic tools to check if email address is valid within a few seconds. Tools created to verify email address without sending email are known as email verifier, email tester, Email Checker, or email validator. With a couple of clicks, long email lists are checked and verified! However remember that all email verification software do not certify to provide high quality results, especially free Email Verification Services! Free email validation is extremely weaker than famous email testers of the market. Mail-Scraper unlike free email validation tools certifies to provide:

  • High quality email verification (98% accuracy!)
  • Quick email verification
  • Bulk email verification

Email Verifier

You can verify any email.


How does Mail-Scraper verify emails?

Mail-Scraper’s bulk email verifier gets one or thousands of emails. User easily can upload its list of emails. Within a few seconds, it checks if email address is valid and the correct form of invalid emails will be demonstrated.

  • Mail-Scraper filters all email addresses with wrong and inaccurate syntax format.
  • It is one of the most affordable bulk email verifiers of the market compared with similar tools.
  • Mail-Scraper performs SMTP verification.
  • It declines email bounce rate significantly.
  • Our email tester recognizes emails with invalid, inactive, or parked domains.
  • New clients can verify 25 emails free of cost.
  • Mail-Scraper provides an API for bulk email format validation.
  • It certifies over 98% email delivery rate!
  • All packages of Mail-Scraper are lifetime!
  • Mail-Scraper has an anti-grey listing technology.
  • Mail-Scraper’s company email finder
    • It gets company name or company website URL of one or thousands of businesses
      • One company name/URL can easily be written or pasted in the related field
      • Lists of companies must be uploaded in a excel file in which company names/URLs are written in first columns
    • Mail-Scraper searches precisely to find emails
      • It checks its email database with more than 400 million of emails
      • Also it crawls web pages of different search engines to double check the result
    • It verifies emails to check if email address is valid or not.
      • Syntax email check
      • Domain check
      • SMTP verification
    • The final result that is a list full of verified and accurate emails is demonstrated in two seconds. It is the superior feature of Mail-Scraper to find and check if email address is valid only with a couple of clicks and in the shortest time.
  • Mail-Scraper’s person email finder
    • It gets company name/URL and also the name of the person whose emails is required
    • Mail-Scraper searches precisely to find his/her emails
      • It checks its email database with more than 400 million of emails!
      • Also it crawls web pages of different search engines to double check the result
    • It verifies emails to check if email address is valid or not.
      • Syntax email check
      • Domain check
      • SMTP verification
    • After only two seconds the correct email is shown

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