Bulk Email Checker & Finder, First Need of E-Marketers!

Bulk Email Checker & Finder, First Need of E-Marketers!


On 1971, Ray Tomlinson launched software which could send a message from one computer device to another one, much before the advent of what we now know as Internet!

According to Indiatimes “Tomlinson’s ‘invention’ came while improving a program called SNDMSG, which was in use since 1960s, that allows a user to compose, address, and send a message to other users’ mailboxes in a single computer. The first email, containing a ‘forgettable’ message, was sent between two computers that were literally side by side with their only physical connection being through the ARPANET, one of the first computer networks of the world.”

Indiatimes believes that at first, people did not have much idea about email. They couldn’t conceive how email can assist them and what its advantages are. A sure-shot method to convince one was to describe how easy and cost-effective it would be to contact with his relatives abroad. In fact the matter of cost-effectiveness and simplicity were the two main reasons encouraged people to begin using email for communication purposes.

A brief history of email

Guardian wrote a complete summary of email from the

• The first electronic message was sent in 1965

According to Guardian “the very first version of what would become known as email was invented in 1965 at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) as part of the university’s Compatible Time-Sharing System, which allowed users to share files and messages on a central disk, logging in from remote terminals.”

• Tomlinson introduced @ in 1971

“American computer programmer Tomlinson arguably conceived the method of sending email between different computers across the forerunner to the internet, Arpanet, at the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa), introducing the “@” sign to allow messages to be targeted at certain users on certain machines” saidGuardian .

• Tomlinson introduced @ in 1971

“American computer programmer Tomlinson arguably conceived the method of sending email between different computers across the forerunner to the internet, Arpanet, at the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa), introducing the “@” sign to allow messages to be targeted at certain users on certain machines” said Guardian .

• The standard version of email introduced in 1973

Some new features were added to email like the ability of forwarding email to a new recipient or the field of “to” and “from”.

• The first email of queen was sent in 1976

Queen Elizabeth II sent her first email on 1976!

• BerkNet was designed by Eric Schmidt in 1978

Eric Schmidt created BerkNet that was an early intranet service offering messaging over serial connections.

• EMAIL program developed in 1979

EMAIL program was written by Shiva Ayyadurai that could send electronic messages within the university, later copyrighting the term in 1982.

• Microsoft Mail created in 1988

“The first version of Microsoft Mail was released in 1988 for Mac OS, allowing users of Apple’s AppleTalk Networks to send messages to each other. In 1991, a second version was released for other platforms including DOS and Windows, which laid the groundwork for Microsoft’s later Outlook and Exchange email systems” Guardian .

Email Verifier

You can verify any email.


• Internet-based email service was started by CompuServe in 1989

The first online service to offer internet connectivity via dial-up phone connections was launched by CompuServe in 1989.

• Lotus Notes was released in 1989

The first version of Lotus Notes was launched in 1989. However it was sold to IBM later in 1995.

• Rush of spam emails in 1990!

“The rise of spam can be charted back to the very early days of Arpanet, but it wasn’t until the early 1990s that it hit users across the internet, when it was aimed at message boards and later email addresses” written in Guardian .

• The feature of attaching file in 1992

In 1992 the feature of attaching files to email was created and email was no more a simple tool to send only text.

• Aol & Outlook in 1993

Guardian ) said “The first version of Microsoft’s Outlook was released in 1993 as part of Exchange Server 5.5, while at the same time US internet service providers AOL and Delphi connected their email systems, paving the way for modern, overloaded email systems we struggle with today.”

• Start of Hotmail in 1996

Sabeer Bhatia and Jack Smith created Hotmail, one of the first popular webmail email services. It was sold to Microsoft one year later in 1997, rebranded MSN Hotmail, then Windows Live Hotmail, and replaced by Outlook.com in 2013.

• Yahoo Mail appeared in 1997

After Hotmail, Yahoo Mail started to work which gained peoples’ attention significantly and still is a famous one.

• Gmail was created in 2004

Gmail was launched 7 years after Yahoo but surpassed Yahoo Mail fast. However its publicly available version was released in 2007 and dropped its “beta” status in 2009.

• Fighting more against spam in 2005 “The first email standard to attempt to fight the deluge of spam by verifying senders was published after a five-year development. Sender Policy Framework was then implemented by a variety of anti-spam programs. A standard of authentication to attempt to prevent email spoofing and phishing was also released called DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM)” said Guardian .

• Mobile email in 2007

Mobile email was introduced by Apple when released the first iPhone in 2007. Today email dominates a vast proportion of everyday life. It is an easy and great way of data transformation for private or business purposes. The rush of social media and messengers had also no effect on email’s fame and still many people and companies prefer to use email for their business purposes instead of sending message privately in social media. The popularity of email made it a necessity to use various online tools to prevent email marketing problems and solve them all. This caused different services like bulk email finder and bulk Email Checker to appear.

• Quick email verification & extraction by Mail-Scraper

Mail-Scraper is a fantastic website which finds business emails and at the same time checks their accuracy. Moreover it offers a bulk email checker to verify email address without sending email. Email list verify was never as easy as today with the help of Mail-Scraper!

  • Bulk email checker: Mail-Scraper’s Bulk Email Checker can get the emails of companies and individuals and then make a thorough DNS lookup as well as syntax check and SMTP verification. User can verify one email address or thousands of them within a minute via our bulk email checker. Mail-Scraper’s bulk email checker is also well-known with the following names:
  • Bulk email finder of companies: Mail-Scraper’s email finder gets business names or URLs and changes them to emails rapidly. All gathered emails are verified by the bulk Email Checker of Mail-Scraper to certify the accuracy rate of 98% of the result.
  • Employee email finder: this service enables users to search the email of a company employee and find his/her emails in a short time by getting company name and the name of the person.

The main features of Mail-Scraper’s bulk email checker and finder can be seen in the bellow picture:

email tester, email checker, email validator


From the time email created on 1971 till today, many people has used it for various business and individual purposes. Time passing has uncovered many restrictions that email marketing has built and hence new solutions to solve these problems very soon were created. Mail-Scraper is a provider of tools to find company and their employees’ emails and also a great bulk email checker to verify email addresses fast. They help you have a valid email address list in a short period of time which is not doable manually. As soon as Mail-Scraper started its job several years ago, its name was among the top 10 bulk Email Verification Services of the market and rapidly it became the best bulk email checker and finder with the help of our honored customers, a professional team of experts and the daily technology improvement. Mail-Scraper determines to provide comprehensive database of emails, updated daily to add new emails and delete inactive ones. Mail-Scraper expertise would not be possible without its clients, who now support Mail-Scraper from all countries across the globe.

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