Email Finder

Email Finder

Many of you may frequently be involved in the inefficient and tedious process of finding company emails. You have to search the name of each corporation in Google, Yahoo, Bing or any other search engine that you prefer. In the best possible manner, the website of the requested company is appeared on the first page of SERPs and if the company site was not on the first page, you have to check many other pages to detect their site to pick up the company email addresses from it.

But what will you do if there was no official email in their site or when the B2B doesn’t possess a website! You have to check various social websites like linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram orcompany B2B websites to find company emails. Consider that this lengthy process also doesn’t guarantee that the accurate email will be figured out!

After a long time and energy waste, you may find company email addresses but cannot be sure of their accuracy as no email verification has been done in this process. Do not worry! The key to solve this problem is Mail-Scraper!

Mail-Scraper is the prominent and creative email finder of the market, able to extract emails from web page and verify them. Both company email extraction and email verification are gathered in one powerful and comprehensive website to help users be connected with businesses that matter the most. A high quality email finder not only detects company email addresses but also evaluates them. Email collection without assessment is not enough. What made Mail-Scraper, the firs-rate email finder of the market is its power to compile emails from a variety of web sources and be sure of their veracity through a thorough evaluation.

Email finder or email search tool is the result of technology enhancements. By the mid-1970s, when email sending was started, it could be guessed that one day, email will become a worldwide means of communication in private and business communications. The significance of email marketing and sales encouraged experts to find solutions to solve any restrictions user may face while using emails. Email senders that are always struggling with emails complain from the time-consuming process of email compiling and verification. Email finder is at the service of email collection jobs, removing almost all limitations that the process of email finding may create.

Why Mail-Scraper is the best email finder of the market?

  • The email finder with the most comprehensive email database: The inclusive email database of Mail-Scraper consists over 400 million emails of companies and their employees! Arguably it has the most complete and ever growing source of company emails compared with other email finders. Almost 90% of the searched company email addresses are in the complete database of our email search tool and very rarely it has to check web pages in search of emails.
  • Crawling web pages to find company emails in real time: If a company email address was not available in email database of Mail-Scraper which rarely happens, rapidly and simultaneously, it checks various web pages to find company email.
  • The only email finder of the market that can find emails just by having the name of a company: Most of email finders require the domain of a company to extract its emails while Mail-scraper supports two different ways:
    It can find company emails by uploading company domain.
    Or it can detect company email addresses by uploading only the name of a company.
  • The most professional email verification service: Most of email finders claim to verify the company email addresses but there is a long distance between what they claim and how they really act! Mail-Scraper has the most professional and precise email verification system among all email finders which certifies the accuracy of 95% of provided emails, a key difference between Mail-Scraper and other similar email finders, helping you to find the right person to pitch. The email assessment process is necessarily value-laden as false emails not only do not lead us to the person they should but also makes us far away. Here is the time which helps the competitors to get ahead!
  • Emails of all company members: Mail-Scraper is not only an email finder able to find company emails but also ready to detect the emails of company employees. The user can mention the name of a corporation and the employee whose email is required, quickly his/her email is provided with the help of this creative email finder! No difference the user needs the emails of a company’s manager, decision maker or a simple worker, the emails of any employee that the user asks, can be extracted unless he doesn’t possess an email.
  • The fastest email finder of the market: One of the main differences between Mail-Scraper and other email finders of the market is its ability to both extract company emails and check their accuracy in the blink of an eye. No need to waste your valuable time while such a fast and high quality email finder is in access. Mail-Scraper checks its comprehensive email database and web searches in real time because we respect the valuable time of our customers and endeavor to save it.
  • A simple to use email finder: You only need an internet access to be connected to the precise and complete world of Mail-Scraper. It is designed with the purpose of being convenient for all old and young users so there is no need to have any special knowledge of computer, with a few simple clicks of mouse, verified company emails are demonstrated on the desktop.
  • A bulk email finder: Mail-Scraper can detect as many company emails as the user wishes in a matter of seconds, one hundred, one thousand or even more! Just upload the list of company names in excel sheet of Mail-Scraper. After two seconds, thousands of company emails are provided! Single email search and bulk search are both supported in our email extractor.
  • Worldwide email finder, covering all global companies: Mail-Scraper can extract emails of companies located in any part of the world. The emails of all Asian, European, American, African and Australian corporations are saved in its database. You may be in search of emails of a popular company in France or a small unknown company in China which seems like finding a needle in a haystack! But remember that Mail-Scraper easily finds it! Mail-Scraper makes every difficult situation simple and achievable. The combination of latest technology, creativity and the responsibility of our experts have changed Mail-Scraper to a modern and revolutionized email finder.
  • An email finder with a continuously updated database: Mail-Scraper checks and updates emails of its database regularly to:
    Add new company email addresses
    Delete expired emails
    Update changed emails
  • A cost effective email finder: All packages of Mail-Scraper are provided at best competitive prices to assist small and new firms. New established companies are more in need of various business improvement tools and such products like email finders, phone number extractors, URL finders and etc. can play a very effective role on their fast business boost. Mail-Scraper as a premium quality email provider with best prices can be a fantastic choice for any new company that costs and expenses really matters for it. Eliminate risky cost overruns and additional charges by Mail-Scraper.
  • Free email finder (free trail): Mail-Scrape provides 50 free company email search for the potential customers who want to test Mail-Scraper and be sure of its quality. But the story doesn’t end here, as a customer oriented email finder, all of our users can search 50 company emails for free per month which is a great and continuous discount for our honored customers.
  • The most supportive and committed email finder of the market: Day and night, the experts of Mail-Scraper are available to answer questions, ambiguities and solve any potential error as soon as the user asks. We do our best to provide an excellent and promising email finder that customers never forget.

Feel the Essence of Reliability by our Email Finder

Email extraction and a thorough email evaluation both are done perfectly by Mail-Scraper. A good email finder does not only compile company email addresses but also assess them. Email verification is an activity related to checking and confirming the accuracy of emails on two main aspects:

  • Whether the email address is spelled correctly or not. As you know if even one letter of an email address be wrong, it has no value and sends your message nowhere!
  • Whether the email address is related to the considered company and employee or not. You may get lots of emails which are real but not related to the company you require.

Mail-Scraper meets both these two aspects so the user can be sure that the provided emails belong to the considered company or employee and also are spelled correctly. Never see the message of “Address not found!” in your email inbox. All your messages are forwarded to the correct person by our email finder.

Mail-Scraper meets both these two aspects so the user can be sure that the provided emails belong to the considered company or employee and also are spelled correctly. Never see the message of “Address not found!” in your email inbox. All your messages are forwarded to the correct person by our email finder.

  • Improve email deliverability
  • Increase the speed of business communication to keep ahead of competitors
  • Enhance your reputation as an email sender and hinders emails from being blocked
  • Develop business profitability
  • Save your energy for more significant tasks instead of email searching

Trust Mail-Scraper & Enjoy the Result

Try Mail-Scraper! Frankly you will be surprised of the result and will become the perpetual user of this creative email finder. Mail-Scraper aims to remain the best email finder of the market and to do so; it endeavors to add innovative features and functionalities to eliminate any possible limit.

We offer Mail-Scraper to all marketers, recruiters and sales teams in search of business emails to keep ahead of competition and create an effective conquest marketing campaign. Mail-Scraper aims to revolutionize the way business owners previously had been used and encourage them to benefit from new innovative tools designed to boost business.

Mail-Scraper makes the entire process of email marketing more organized, comfortable, purposeful and rapid. What are you waiting for? Please call us today and enjoy the essence of business success!


A: Hi, Good job. I am interested in your email finder. Can I test it for free to become more familiar before subscribing?

B: Dear Madam, thanks for your choice! Mail-Scraper allows all users to request 50 emails per month for free. It is a good opportunity for everyone who has just started to work with Mail-Scraper to become sure of quality before any payment and also acts as a good discount for old members.

A: How can I turn one thousand company names to emails with your email finder? Is it a bulk email finder?

B: Hi, Good day. Yes Mail-Scraper is a bulk email extractor. Simply copy the name of all companies (as many as you want) and then paste them in the excel table of Mail-Scraper. Now you are only one click of mouse far from one thousand emails! Click on search button and all emails are appeared almost in the blinking of an eye.

A: Hi. I applied many famous email finders but most of them ask a company domain for gathering emails which is not good in my opinion. How about mail-scraper?

B: Mail-Scraper can find company email addresses only by knowing company names. Upload company names in Mail-Scraper and in seconds get all emails. No need to mention domain if you don’t have.

A: How does your email extractor find company emails? I mean how does it work? It seems strange to me.

B: Mail-Scraper has the most complete source of company emails with over 400 million company emails so the emails of most of the searched companies can be found in its database and if it wasn’t, the web pages are all checked in real time. The result is a list of verified company email addresses in a few seconds.

A: Can your email finder provide the emails of company members? Most of email finders, especially free email finders cannot.

B: Hi dear, sure. It can. That’s why many users choose mail-scraper. It can collect both company emails and the emails of company employees rapidly. For this purpose, just write the name of a company and any employee you need his/her email. After two seconds, enjoy the result!

A: Hi, Thanks in advance for your reply. Is Mail-Scraper a free email finder?

B: It is not free but unlike the other solutions on the market, every month you have 50 free company email search! However the rates are really reasonable and economical compared with similar email extractor s. What you achieve is much more valuable than the money you pay and are not comparable.

A: How much time does it take to find over one hundred company email addresses?

B: Hi, if you search one company or thousand companies, no difference in the time of finding emails. The emails of one company or thousand companies are all provided in one second. As a customer oriented email extractor, we respect the customer time.

A: What sources does mail-scraper use to find emails?

B: Mail-Scraper crawls every page it can make its way to! In most cases this is majority of the web pages and also it has a complete database of company emails which consists more than 400 million company email addresses.

A: Hi, thanks for your premium quality email finder. My colleague has used mail-scraper and introduced it to me. But I have a question about accuracy? I want to know more about its email verification ability as it matters most for me.

B: Mail-Scraper is well-known because of its ability to assess all company email addresses with the help of artificial intelligence. No false email is provided by Mail-scraper and we guarantee that over 95% of the collected emails are real and correct.

A: I have a key question in my mind. What are potential use cases of this tool?

B: Hi, we are eager to reply all questions. It is used mainly for marketing and sales. It extremely helps to save the time of marketers as it collects and verifies all customer email addresses in a second.

A: I am looking for an email search service which is cheap, fast and reliable. The accuracy of emails is really significant for me. Moreover I need a tool that only asks company names. Could your product provide all mentioned features? Your help would be appreciated!

B: Hi, Sure dear. All you mentioned are features of mail-scraper! It finds emails and checks their veracity as fast as a flash. You can both upload company domains or only their names. Every month you can find 50 company emails for free and the prices are affordable.

A: How is data quality in mail-scraper? Are all emails really verified?

B: Hi dear. Sure. No email is passed to the customer unless being verified and checked. We guarantee that at least 95% of our collected emails are accurate an authentic. Take no risk and try!

A: Hi, I want to thank the creators of mail-scraper. It is my favorite tool. Mail-scraper acts as both an outreach tool and email provider. Keep ahead, you are on the right track!

A: Hi, I have recently launched a new trading company based in Asia and looking for a company email finder which supports Chinese company emails perfectly. I tested many email finders but they were not good. How is your service in this regard?

B: Dear friend, our email extractor covers all companies in all parts of the world. It has a powerful source of Chinese company emails too. A high percentage of our customers are using mail-scraper to find emails of Chinese companies. China is one of the world’s largest manufacturing economy and exporter of goods and many companies across the world are in search of Chinese company contacts. Please kindly find some Chinese companies’ emails as the free trial of Mail-scraper to see the quality.

A: Great, What info does this tool ask us to find emails?

B: you can search company emails as fast as possible by entering prospects names or company’s domains.

A: Does your email finder cover the emails of company decision makers too?

B: Hi, Mail-scraper gathers company official emails and also the emails of any person in that firm that the user asks, managers, decision makers, marketers, secretary or any other employee you order his emails!

A: Good job, does your email finder have bulk mode?

B: Yes dear. Most of our customers are looking for bulk number of emails.

A: What countries does mail-scraper support? I need the best email finder to discover and check Arabic company emails.

B: There is no limitation in Mail-Scraper. It covers all types of corporations and businesses worldwide. Arabian companies, American, Indian or Chinese, are can be extracted and verified.

B: There is no limitation in Mail-Scraper. It covers all types of corporations and businesses worldwide. Arabian companies, American, Indian or Chinese, are can be extracted and verified.

B: Thanks for your clever choice. Sure it can. As soon as you upload the names of European importers in Mail-Scraper, all names are turned to company emails. It makes your job significantly easier and no time is required to find their emails one by one.

A: I don’t need company emails. I have a list of company and need the direct emails of their managers. I have both company names and the name of managers. Can this email finder help me? Thanks

B: Hi dear. One of the main features of our email finder is exactly what you look for! Just copy all company names and their bosses and paste it in Mail-Scraper and with a simple click of mouse, all names are converted to individual emails. Email is the best official way to be connected with decision makers of companies, in my opinion better than sending messages on social media.

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