Find Email Address by Name

Find Email Address by Name

Email finders or email extractors as their name suggests are designed mainly to find all company emails. More professional email finders like Mail-Scraper can also detect company employees’ email addresses by their names. The emails of all persons working in a company are reachable in Mail-Scraper, from a simple worker, secretary and accountant to owners, managers, shareholders and decision makers. The only situation in which you see the message of “No email found!” is related to when the given employee has no email!

In the past many people wasted their time in a long and mindless process of Googling to find email address by name or a worse and older method of guess and check, which frankly is no more the choice of a wise person! While an email extractor can find email address by name in two seconds, why to try other old and time consuming ways!? It is superior to save your time for more noteworthy tasks.

Why to find email address by name?

As mentioned before Mail-Scraper is ready to:

  • Find company email addresses
  • Find email address by name

The first one is related to discover official company emails usually mentioned in the company website and the second one is related to the emails of company persons that mainly cannot be found in company websites.

You may ask why to find decision maker’s emails based on their name while the official email of companies is easier to detect. Sometimes you may get no reply from a company email but you shouldn’t be hopeless. In addition to other ways of communication like phone conversation or sending message to their accounts on social media, you can try sending emails to any person that is active and working there. You can send emails to the company decision makers, marketers, salespersons or all of them at the same time! Sometimes entering a business situation from different channels is more secure and beneficial. At least you ensure that your message is received!

Do not worry; our email extractor finds company emails and if you didn’t get a response, you can start sending emails to company persons. Never be disappointed, always there are countless new ways to solve problems. You only need to be creative to discover new methods and trust innovative tools like Mail-scraper to do it for you.

How does Mail-Scraper find email address by name?

It is unbelievable that only in a second, thousands of business email addresses can be found for you with the help of our email finder. All you need to do is as follow:

  • Enter the URL of our email extractor website:
  • You can try a demo on the home page of Mail-Scraper to be sure of the quality and convenience of this email finder.
  • Then you can select any of our email extractor’s plans designed for various customers’ purposes including:
    Personal: 25 requests per month for free!
    Small Team: 5.000 requests per month
    Scalable: 15.000 requests per month
  • The next step is to copy the list of company names or domains or simply write the name of fewer companies in one spreadsheet file of Mail-Scraper to get emails in seconds
  • To find email address by name, mention the name of any person you need his/her email in the related part next to the company name

Why Mail-Scraper?

Mail-Scraper has become the best email discovery tool of the market with 95% success rate and almost no drawback.

  • The most well-known feature of our email extractor is its ability to check the legitimacy of provided emails. Verifying the identity of emails is almost the most popular feature of our super accurate email finder. Email addresses list with 95% success rate is the result of our experts’ efforts and years of hard working.
  • Mail-Scraper is concerned of meeting different market needs and this encourages us to equip the tool with various creative options. Mail-scraper can both:
    Find company email addresses (company official emails) Find email address by name (employees’ emails)
  • No time is needed to find email address by name if you apply Mail-Scraper. Usually our customers wonder how it detects thousands of accurate emails in less than two seconds but having some information about artificial intelligence (AI) shows them the role of it as a professional and virtual assistant in the process of finding emails.
  • Countless number of emails can be found by Mail-Scraper. If the user requires the emails of a few companies or persons, he can easily write the company name or domain and if he needs innumerable emails, he can benefit from the spreadsheet file of our email finer to paste all company names in it and get emails in real time.
  • Countless number of emails can be found by Mail-Scraper. If the user requires the emails of a few companies or persons, he can easily write the company name or domain and if he needs innumerable emails, he can benefit from the spreadsheet file of our email finer to paste all company names in it and get emails in real time.
  • New users can test 25 free searches to Find Email Addresses by name. But the story doesn’t end here! New users of today will become the lifetime customers of Mail-Scraper and as a customer centric company which tries to meet all customers’ expressed and latent needs, each user is allowed to find email address free of charge for 25 times per month. Find email address by name free results is our perpetual discount for loyal customers!
  • The inclusive database of company emails is updated every day and every hour which certifies to find someone’s email address accurately and rapidly.
  • Mail-Scraper can detect email addresses list of companies active in different industries and various locations.
  • Worth mentioning that if Mail-Scraper couldn’t find someone’s email address from its database, rapidly and in real time, it checks web pages in search of emails. This caused Mail-Scraper to be the most dominant and effective email extractor of global markets.
  • Mail-Scraper can also find email address by phone number. Simply enter a phone number and get the emails related to the owner of the given phone number.
  • Mail-Scraper is able to Find Email Addresses by name in bulk; ten, one hundred, one thousand or one million, it depends on what you decide!
  • Unlike many other email extractors, it doesn’t require a company domain when going to find company email addresses, the company, business or brand name is enough!
  • Mail-Scraper is an easy to use email finder suitable for users at any age. The tutorial on home page of Mail-Scraper has also a great role to help users.
  • Experts of Mail-Scraper are always online to answer any question and solve any potential error, a well committed email extractor always showing its respect to customers.

Do not waste time, call today to find email address by name easily!

Under one minute you can start email extraction and verification by Mail-Scraper. The time you need to compile email addresses list yourself is thousands of times more than the time of finding emails by Mail-Scraper.

Discover company email addresses list or find emails address by name though one organized, simple to use and reliable website which certifies to provide correct and valid data.

Other similar tools like URL finders, phone number extractors, B2B profile finders, social profile finders are also some of the other magical and fabulous business improvement services. Quality and reliability are brought to you by Mail-Scraper! One time try of Mail-Scraper, quickly makes you the lifetime user of this efficient email finder.

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