Our Email Verifier Service Keeps Email Marketing Alive!

Our Email Verifier Service Keeps Email Marketing Alive!

Is email marketing dead!?

No difference where you are, America or Asia, Europe or Africa, as soon as connected to the internet, email is available free of charge! It is a fast, simple, affordable and reliable way of communication available for all nationalities. All you need to benefit from the endless world of email communication is an internet connection!

You may have heard that email marketing is no more effective but do not believe it! Look at three bellow diagrams to know that email marketing is not only alive but also very helpful!

As seen on the above diagram, social media’s overall engagement rate is less than 1% (0.58%) while the email open rate across industries is 22.86% and email’s click-through rate across industries is 3.71%.

How to improve email marketing?

Email marketing can improve efficiently if marketers pay attention to the following key points.

  • Email finder: First of all it is recommended to use a reliable email finder or email extractor to collect company or individual emails in order to:
    • save time
    • have access to reliable emails
    • change the difficult part of gathering emails to the simplest section of email marketing
  • Email verifier service: If you already have clients’ emails, check their veracity with the help of an email verifier service. Before sending any email, it’s better to ensure the accuracy of emails as much as possible by a mail tester.
  • Text-only content: Write text-only emails instead of image-based emails as most email clients like Outlook block them automatically. It is better to write briefly, to the point and share links of your website.
  • Mobile-friendly emails: Send mobile friendly emails and if you do not pay attention to this important issue, most of the receivers send your email straight to the trash!
  • Real name: Mention your real name as the sender of the email. People trust emails coming from a real name like Fred Ming instead of an email from peolkipy@example.com!
  • Email subject: Make a fabulous subject line! The first thing that an email reader confronts is the subject of your email. It should be:
    • To the point
    • Short
    • Extremely effective
    • Correct intonation
  • Contacts: Mention your contacts like address, phone or mobile phone number and any other available way clearly in your email content. It is embarrassing if a reader has to spend time to find the sender’s contacts among the long and irregular email content!

What is email finder?

As mentioned in previous section, email finder or email extractor is a reliable way helping clients to find an unlimited number of emails in the shortest possible time. One of the famous email finders of the market is provided by Mail-Scraper.

Mail-Scraper certifies to provide only accurate and trustworthy email addresses, thanks to the artificial intelligence. Our first responsibility is to gather correct emails; invalid data has no place in Mail-Scraper! We do not only claim the veracity of collected email addresses but really makes it come true. Quality is the first priority of Mail-Scraper!

  • Mail-Scraper’s email finder gets only a company name or URL and prepares its emails unlike other email finders that works only with a company domain.
  • Mail-Scraper checks both its comprehensive database of company emails and at the same time crawls many web pages in search of emails.
  • All the gathered emails by Mail-Scraper’s email extractor are verified with the help of artificial intelligence. Mail-Scraper has the most professional email verifier service of the market.
  • You can ask the email of a certain employee in a company from Mail-Scraper’s email finder by mentioning his name and the company name!
  • Mail-Scraper is economic and affordable, prepared at best competitive rates for global clients.
  • Mail-Scraper’s email finder is an easy and simple to use tool.
  • Mail-Scraper’s email finder is as quick as a flash! Once the name of the company is entered, its emails are released.
  • Mail-Scraper’s email extractor can provide as many emails as the client asks, one hundred or one thousand, no difference! It is a bulk email finder.
  • The database of company emails in Mail-Scraper is updated continuously to add new company emails and refresh old ones.

What is email verifier service?

Email finder is not the only tool that can grow your business. Email verifier service, also known as email checker, email tester and email validator is another essential service to grow email marketing .

Mail-Scraper as the pioneer of email marketing tools developed a fantastic email verifier service to see if an email is valid or not.

A wrong email has no value! Having no email of a company is better than having a wrong or unreliable one! Inaccurate email addresses just wastes time and energy and sends email marketing far away the way it should be.

Imagine you send an email and think that it has been received by a certain person or company but it hasn’t! If the wrong email address does not exist, you will understand by an error like “Address not found”. In this case you are so lucky that understand about the inaccuracy of the email address. But what will happen if the email address does not relate to a certain firm or individual that you desire!? The email is sent and you are waiting for reply but no response is received! Now what will happen if most of the emails that you get from an email extractor be inaccurate?


Business requirements are changing every day. Today what most businesses are looking for is not only the means of communication like email, telephone, social media or etc., but more concerned of how to make most of these communication tools.

Mail-Scraper has provided company email finder and email verifier service to improve email marketing process as the most effective ways of reaching prospective and existing customers to make businesses, especially small and midsized ones more powerful and strong. Remember that there is always room for growth with any marketing method. So discovering solutions to find emails and verify email address without sending email was never as important as today!

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